Backpack Buddies is a joint venture between Parkway Hills UMC, the Mississippi Food Network, and East Flora Elementary School. Each week during the school year, backpacks containing seven meals are distributed to children who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend. We have also partnered with the staff and faculty at East Flora to encourage and support students with back-to-school breakfasts and teacher appreciation luncheons. For more information about Backpack buddies or to volunteer, contact Laurie Jones or Molly Kirk.
Since 2013, Parkway Hills UMC has been building bunk beds for children who do not have beds or have insufficient bedding. As a church family, we plan to continue to build and supply safe comfortable bedding to those in need. Here's how you can help:
- Talk to your Sunday School class, small group, or family about sponsoring a bed for $300.
- Contact Bill Flynn to sign up to help construct beds or to help deliver beds.
- Make bedding donations to PHUMC Bunk Bed Ministry.
Bill Flynn
From weekly Bible stories in the nursery to the Baccalaureate service for our seniors, Parkway Hills is focused on developing our youngest members as they grow and mature.
This program provides support and encouragement for faculty and staff, as well as students. Over the years we have stocked an emergency clothing closet, donated school supplies, held a book drive, began a garden behind the school, and hosted incentive day activities to reward students for perfect attendance, scholastic effort, and good citizenship. Through an ongoing program, we coordinate a one-hour reading and art session once a quarter for a select pre-kindergarten class. We also participate annually in Read Across America Day at the school every March.
Along with giving of our time, we are called to give tithes and offerings. These monies are vital to the operation of the church and supporting its ministries. Each Sunday, ushers pass the plates around the sanctuary to collect offering. But, you can give to Parkway Hills UMC any day of the week electronically!
Click here to learn about Electronic Giving
Beyond time and money, we often have opportunities to donate food, clothing, books, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and other needed items. If you have items that you feel could serve someone in need (e.g., gently-used clothing, yarn, fabric, etc.), please contact us at 601-856-2733 or
Our Ministry with the Homeless partners with Galloway UMC’s Grace Place in Jackson, MS, to be in relationship with those who are homeless or marginally-housed in the area. We visit monthly to serve meals, worship together, and find ways to best meet their needs during the year, whether meeting those needs is through providing toiletries, shoes, clothing, water and snacks, blankets, backpacks, insect repellent, ChapStick, or even Subway gift cards! To show our care and to help share God's love, we add personal items to the needed items we give: a handwritten note of encouragement, a home-cooked treat, or a handmade item such as a sewn pouch, drawstring bag, or hand knit or crocheted hat or scarf.
Juliet Huam
An incredible spiritual opportunity is available to women who want to help women prisoners at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility in Pearl. Kairos Prison Ministry is an organization that trains volunteers to go into women’s prisons as a group and give the unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to women who have been forgotten. Five Saturday sessions are held twice a year to train volunteers. Once they are trained, Kairos volunteers meet with the prisoners for a three-and-half-day spiritual program. In addition, optional follow-up reunions of Kairos graduates are held bimonthly for Prayer-and-Share Groups and spiritual encouragement.
Marilyn Collins
The United Methodist Church Book of Discipline defines church council as providing for "planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The church council shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the charge conference."
The committee on lay leadership, according to the United Methodist Church, "also serves throughout the year to guide the church council on matters regarding leadership (other than employed staff) and to identify, train and support leaders in the congregation."
Serving on either church council or on the committee for lay leadership is a vital role of service.
Current roster of Lay Leadership
As a church member, your participation would be appreciated and incredibly valuable to both the church and to you!
Reverend Dawn douglas Flowers
Parkway Hills UMC is blessed to have many talented musicians singing in the choir, playing the piano/keyboard, and providing instrumental support, special music solos, and programs for all ages.
Adult Choir: Each Sunday the Adult Choir sings for the 10:45 AM service. Rehearsals are Sundays at 6 PM and Sunday mornings, prior to service, in the Choir Room.
Men’s Ensemble: This group meets regularly to prepare for singing at specific services and rehearses on Wednesday evenings.
Solo and Ensemble Opportunities: There are many opportunities for presentation of special music through solo and ensemble singing.
Jubilation Ringers: Parkway Hills UMC has a beautiful three-octave set of handbells, a gift that honors the memory and legacy of Robert M. and Emogene Fudge. Rehearsals are Thursdays at 9 AM.
Children’s Choirs: These choirs meet as part of the Sunday School program to prepare to participate in our worship services.
Instrumental: "Parkway Pickers" holds jam sessions each Tuesday at 4:30 PM. All are welcome to come and make a joyful noise!
Contact: , David White, Director of Music
The mission of the Prayer Quilt Ministry is to make comfort quilts for children in distress and to offer prayers on their behalf. No one needs any special skills to be part of this group – only a heart for helping children. And everyone can contribute.
- Quilters meet on Mondays from noon until 4 PM (or until you need to leave.)
- Bring a sack lunch for a time of fellowship before the quilting begins.
- Each meeting includes a devotional and a prayer time
This ministry has donated more than 700 quilts (and counting) to the children in Mississippi.
Ann Weissenborn
Cheryl Blacklidge
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than four million youth members in its age-related divisions. Since its founding in 1910 as part of the international Scout Movement, more than 110 million Americans have been members of the BSA.
The BSA goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. For younger members, the Scout method is part of the program to teach typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.
Parkway Hills UMC is proud to have its own pack of Cub Scouts, Pack 164, and its own troop of Boy Scouts, Troop 164. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts meet every Monday night at 6 PM. Our activities include many familiar to all scouts and parents of scouts, including Akela campouts, Pinewood Derbies, Order of Arrow, and The Arrow of Light. Scouts of all ages are involved in a variety of service projects for our church and our community.
Scouting is an important ministry, and if you're interested in becoming a scout or interested in becoming a Scout Leader and helping shape the lives of young people in a positive way, contact Chris Gibbs at or at 601-398-7455. We are blessed at PHUMC to be associated with this outstanding organization and to have the opportunity to support its activities.
To keep up with the Scouting Program of Parkway Hills, visit their Facebook page.
Chris Gibbs
Teachers are critical to the Sunday School hour and small group offerings. Whether you feel led to help develop children Sunday mornings or lead a Bible study for adults, we welcome you to share your knowledge (or simply your thirst for knowledge) at Parkway Hills UMC.
Reverend Dawn Douglas Flowers
The Yarn Ministry is a joyful group who meet regularly in the home of a member to knit and crochet gifts of love and comfort. The group has created prayer shawls for those who grieve, lap blankets to warm those who are sick, baby blankets to welcome little ones, pillows stitched with prayers for comfort, socks for those in eldercare, and hats and scarves for young people in need at East Flora Elementary School. Whether you are a veteran yarner or just starting out, you are welcome to join in with the knits, purls, and crochets! Members are happy to teach anyone interested!
Follow the Yarn Ministry on Facebook or on the Yarn Ministry website.
Shelley Powers
Communion Steward: contact Rev. Dawn Douglas Flowers
Worship Planning Team: contact Alecia Gardner
Offering Counter: email
Usher Ministry: contact Tom Stewart
Greeter Ministry: contact Cathy Furr
Kitchen Volunteer: contact Rev. Dawn Douglas Flowers
Church and Grounds Maintenance: contact Chris Gibbs