Serve Our Community
Parkway Hills members are committed to serving our neighbors as the hands and feet of Christ in the broader community and around the world. We also participate in a number of opportunities to fund and serve both domestically and internationally through the connectional relationship of the United Methodist Church. For more information on these opportunities or how to be involved, please contact our church office. We’d love for you to join us as we serve!
Beds for kids
We partner with neighboring churches, Habitat for Humanity, MadCAAP, Boys & Girls Club, and our own Boy Scout troop to identify families in need, construct beds, and deliver them in order to provide a warm, safe bed for children in our area.
Want to get involved? Our volunteers meet in the basement to work on Wednesday nights after dinner while also helping to deliver beds as needs arise. In addition to volunteering for labor, we encourage individuals, families, and groups to sponsor the making of a bed. For more info on this ministry as well as how to volunteer on a build night or join the delivery team, contact the church office.
Grace place ministry
The first and third Wednesday of the month Parkway Hills partners with Galloway UMC to offer food and shelter to our neighbors in need. Throughout the year we gather items of need and aid like toiletries, shoes, clothing, water and snacks, blankets, backpacks, insect repellent, ChapStick, or gift cards, handwritten note of encouragement, a home-cooked treat, and handmade items such as sewn pouches, drawstring bags, or hand knit or crocheted clothing. There are also opportunities to serve with their clothing or bike ministries.
Yarners and quilters
Our quilting group meets weekly and creates beautiful comfort quilts covered in prayer that are given to children in distress. Over 700 (and counting) quilts have been made. Yarners meet once every other month to knit and crochet gifts of love and comfort. Whether you are a veteran yarner or just starting out, you are welcome to join. Members are happy to teach anyone interested!
support for East flora Elementary School
Parkway Hills partners with East Flora Elementary School in Flora to provide support and encouragement for the teachers, incentive days for the students, and purchase needed supplies. We aid with a preschool program and send fresh fruit on a regular basis. We also provide the financial resources for the Backpack Buddies program, a feeding program that sends food items home over the weekend with students experiencing food insecurity. Backpack Buddies is an effort in association with the Mississippi Food Network.