"To Know and Be Known"

Jesus, speaking to his disciples in the Gospel of John before he is arrested and before his journey to cross and resurrection begins, says, “Abide in me, and I in you.” He tells the disciples to “abide in my love.” In 1847, Henry Francis Lyte wrote a poem as a prayer for God to remain present. This poem became the hymn “Abide With Me.” When we think of the word abide as a people of faith, we think of a deep, personal connection to God through Christ. For the next 4 Sundays, we will reflect on the word abide and the way God abides with us, and we abide with God and one another. We will celebrate our graduating students and remind them of the connection they will forever have to this place, to us as their family in God, and to God through Christ as God promises to abide with them wherever they may go. I hope to see you each week as we abide in love and worship together!  

Linda Irby