"The Old Life and the New"

What a timely topic! In just a week, all of us have witnessed unexpected changes in our lives, and we need to learn how to be community for each other in new ways. Until it is safe for us to once again gather together for worship as a large group, our pastor will “live-stream” a message on Facebook each Sunday at 10 am. Don’t worry if you are not a Facebook user, we will make the message available in many ways… like this podcast!

As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your clergy and staff or others in your community of faith with any needs you have - or needs of others you may know about. Let’s continue to hold each other (virtually) close! This week’s Lenten Letter Challenge: Think of someone else at home, (this should be easy!), and write them a letter. Feeling ambitious? Write a letter every day our social distancing practice continues.