Our church gathers for worship at 10:45am on Sunday mornings. This service is also live-streamed via our Facebook page. Services can be rewatched later at this site, our Facebook page, or our YouTube channel. We strive for this to be a live-giving time for members and guests to gather in praise of God and hear anew the divine callings for our lives. Our worship blends a variety of timeless hymns and modern praise choruses with leadership offered by the full range of ages present in our community. Most members dress casually, and many arrive early or walk over from their Sunday School classes to fellowship in the Worship Center prior to 10:45. Follow this link for more info on finding the Worship Center, and we hope to see you this Sunday!
While we would love to have you sitting by us in worship, we invite those of you who are not able to attend service to take time to experience the messages shared by Senior Pastor Reverend Dawn Douglas Flowers through podcast or video.
Listen or watch the most recent messages below, or subscribe to either our Apple Podcast or YouTube.
A New Word