Acts: The Story of the Church (2nd Sunday of Easter)

About 9 months ago, we all began a journey together. We committed to a year reflecting on our second core value, GROW; and since August, we have walked through the Bible together. We have covered A LOT! We shared the stories of Genesis and Exodus, looked at the Law, reflected on the historical books of the Hebrew people, listened to poetry, and received the Wisdom literature (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes). We closed out 2019 and the Old Testament with the prophets, and began 2020 with the parables of Jesus found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. We began Lent with the Letters of the New Testament, and none of us could have predicted how Lent would end for us, or how Easter 2020 would look. While everything about our normal routines has been disrupted, we will continue with our original plan to finish out this year of the Bible with the book of Acts. I have decided there could not be a better time for us to read through this story of the church.