Acts: The Story of the Church (3rd Sunday of Easter)

Part of our challenge to you in this year of the Bible, is for you to read the Bible. Our sermon series on the Story of the Church will have portions of Acts each week for you to read as well as some questions for reflection, and a time of prayer. The Sermon each Sunday will come from a portion of the Acts reading for that week. As we all sit in isolation, as the normal way we are church together is halted, I invite you to listen and reflect on these questions:

• What is the story of church found in Acts?

• How is Parkway Hills living out this story?

• How am I living out this story?

When we all do finally gather together again, I cannot wait to hear how God has spoken to each of us about how we are church and how we can be church. God speaks in the stillness, 
let us listen well! --Pastor Dawn